What do you need for your virtual event to be a huge success?

  • Would you like to offload all the technical stuff to a Zoom Producer so you can stay fully present with your audience?

  • Do you need consultation about creatively engaging your audience, centred around the purpose of your event?

  • What would be possible by using tools that keep your participants involved before, during and after your event?

  • Would you like a co-facilitator to share some content, lead group exercises or guide deeper conversations in a breakout room?

Let’s co-create!

Okay, so what does a Zoom Producer actually do anyway? Erm gives you peace of mind, by taking care of all the things listed below and more. Think of it as having a Co-Pilot who will:

  • Manage your waiting room to ensure only the right participants get in

  • Provide instructions to your audience for Zoom engagement tools

  • Play great music as participants enter Zoom and get comfortable

  • Get the chat rolling with messages, prompts, questions and more

  • Moderate your Q&A

  • Be on alert for raised hands, accidentally unmuted participants, and resolve all tech issues that may arise for you and/or participants

  • Create breakout rooms and move people quickly

  • Launch polls

  • Share links, documents and any other necessary items with your participants so you can smoothly continue your presentation

  • Spotlight speakers and assist with smooth transition of screen sharing

    Just when you felt like you were spinning so many plates in the air, it turns out to be a beautifully arranged masterpiece!

Are you smiling yet?

I think I heard you breathe a big sigh of relief all the way from my virtual studio!

Once you have a co-pilot you might not ever want to fly solo again.


Let’s see if we’re a good fit.